About EFT
EFT or tapping is a simple, gentle and effective technique referred to as Psychological acupressure.
During an EFT session, we bring our issue to mind whilst self-tapping on the meridian endpoints on the hands, face and torso. Tapping on these points sends calming signals to the amygdala in the brain which reduces stress around the issue and allows us to begin processing it.
EFT can be applied to many things. This includes stress, traumas, anxiety, sleep problems, limiting beliefs, phobias, to help reach goals, physical pains and illnesses. It is a wonderful technique which once learnt, can be self-applied and used in all areas of your life. This can be very empowering.
EFT can help us reach our goals! When we are not achieving what we would like to, there are often fears or beliefs that are holding us back. Our job is to identify these and to apply EFT to them.
Want to Reach Your Goals?
Working with Issues
When we have unprocessed memories or emotions, these can lead to disturbances in the body. These disturbances can lead to high emotional intensity which can cause a wide variety of symptoms such as anxiety, depression, stress and even illness. Within an EFT session, we work on the underlying root causes by tapping on the meridian endpoints whilst bringing them to mind.
Where did it Come from?
EFT itself was developed by Gary Craig in the 1990s and is based on Roger Callahan’s work in Thought Field Therapy. The systems behind it, however, date back much further. The points we use in EFT are 5000 years old and are part of the ancient medical History of many cultures such as Traditional Chinese Medicine.
EFT Tapping Points: